Skills training and gaps in Applied Health and Care Data Science Research Webinar


Join us on Wednesday 22nd January 2025 at 10am to contribute to the discussion and debate around skills training and gaps in applied health and care data science research.

Our invited speakers include:

Prof Carol Brayne, [] Emeritus Professor of Public Health Medicine, University of Cambridge

Prof Andy Vail, Professor of Clinical Biostatistics, University of Manchester

Dr Sarah Culkin [], Deputy Director of Data Science, NHS England

Precious-Gift Alele [], Data Scientist, Leeds Institute of Data Analytics Data Scientist Development Programme, University of Leeds

Dr Jonathan Batty, Wellcome Clinical PhD Fellow & Cardiology Specialist Registrar, University of Leeds

The presenters bring a range of perspectives from across the field of applied health and care data science research and will cover:

  • Methodological challenges for the robust and generalisable use of health and care data (including limitations with the use of large-scale volunteer cohort studies and the importance of training and expertise in statistical reasoning)
  • Experiences of students and professionals delivering, receiving, or seeking training
  • Findings from the HealthDataFiT survey/interview project exploring health data science training needs and gaps across the UK(work led through the NIHR Methodology Incubator Health Data Science Workstream and presented by Ruth Evans [] and Zoe Hancox [])
  • Considerations for how training and education is being delivered and should evolve.

Session organisers:

Prof Jenny Hewison

Dr Kate Absolom

Ruth Evans

Zoe Hancox

From the University of Leeds

To register to attend the webinar please follow this link:

Deadline for registration: Monday 20th January 2025



Timing Speakers

Session chair: Dr Kate Absolom, Associate Professor of Applied Health Research, University of Leeds

Session overview
10:00-10:10 Prof Jenny Hewison

Professor of Psychology and Healthcare,

University of Leeds

Welcome and introduction
10:10-10:30 Prof Carol Brayne

Emeritus Professor of Public Health Medicine, University of Cambridge

Methodological challenges and limitations of large-scale volunteer research cohorts
10:30-10:50 Prof Andy Vail

Professor of Clinical Biostatistics, University of Manchester

Health Data Science and the art of statistics
10:50-11.10 Ruth Evans

Lecturer in Health Informatics and Data Science, University of Leeds


Zoe Hancox

Postgraduate Researcher, UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence for Medical Diagnosis and Care, University of Leeds

HealthDataFiT update:  Survey/interview project exploring health data science training needs and gaps across the UK (led through the NIHR Methodology Incubator Health Data Science Workstream)
11:10-11:20 Comfort break  


Dr Sarah Culkin

Deputy Director of Data Science, NHS England


Data science careers and training in NHS England (NHSE): Defining roles and competencies
11:40-11:50 Precious-Gift Alele

Data Scientist, Leeds Institute of Data Analytics Data Scientist Development Programme, University of Leeds

A recent graduate’s experience of moving into the health data science workplace.
11:50-12:10 Dr Jonathan Batty

Wellcome Clinical PhD Fellow & Cardiology Specialist Registrar


Experience of training for a career in health data science from the perspective of a clinical academic.
12:10-12:30 Prof Jenny Hewison

Dr Kate Absolom

All speakers

Discussion, questions and round-up