

  • To promote the role and careers of statisticians in NIHR funded research.
  • To map the diverse ranges of statistical roles throughout the NIHR and identify barriers to increasing NIHR capacity to undertake applied statistical research.
  • To identify challenges in recruitment, retention and careers satisfaction and propose solutions to the NIHR.

Overall objectives:

  • To expand opportunities for NIHR statisticians to apply for funding as PIs.
  • To collate and develop case studies of diverse and interesting statistical careers.
  • To work with a number of ongoing initiatives and resources which highlight and focus on careers in medical statistics.
  • To collate resources, examples and produce material to explain why a biostatistical (methodologist) career is different to a clinical research career.
  • To look at career pipeline specific funding (Masters funding, research fellows, PhD training, internships, apprenticeships, one year work placement models).

Leadership team:

Mona Kanaan, Dawn Teare.